Thursday, January 23, 2014

Be Your Own Anchor

The anchor in general has an amazing background, it can we a normal anchor thats on a boat to stop it, or an anchor could be within yourself to, to stop and find yourself. Everyone should be their own anchor instead of having someone else be, because you cant get rid of yourself but other people can get rid of you. This project was a very messy, long, process. I found it extremely hard to crave the anchor because one line would be thicker than the other or vise versa. My favorite part was painting the stamp once you were finished, even though cleaning up every time was a drag. Then thing about coloring this was a little bit of a surprise when you use two colors then mix them together it could either look very amazing or kind of a dark, blob color. I liked this project a lot even though it wasn't my best work I have done.

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